Kareem, Khaleel, and the Missing Kufi


Kareem, Khaleel, and the Missing Kufi

Deskripsi Buku
Sunday was always a family day for them, and this time they were going to the most wonderful, the biggest, and the most exciting amusement park named the RAYIE PARK! It was a super fun time for them, as they rode so many rides and ate lots and lots of food! Until suddenly Kareem noticed something odd…
Where is your kufi khaleel? OH NO!!! My favorite kufi! Let’s together help Khaleel find his kufi in the midst of the very busy, and very crowded Rayie Park.

Things to Discuss
The Quran verse and Hadiths on the first page are the core essence of Knk’s adventure. Through this book, the author wishes to nurture pure intentions in helping others to the readers, while also to grow a sense of sincerity and belief that God’s plan is always the best.
Why did KnK help others while they were in trouble themselves?

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KnK invite us to do good deeds (for example: helping friends) . Let’s remember the good deeds of Knk during their adventure: hard work, sincerity, kindness, empathy and patience.
Why KnK didn’t expect anything in return from their friends after helping them?
They are sincere to their friends. Also, they believe that Allah Swt. will repay their good deeds.
Why did KnK try their best to come back after sunset?
Because both of them had promised their parents to go home by that time.
Why did KnK believe that God has a better plan for them?
They believe that what was destined for them was never meant to be lost, and what has been lost was never destined for them. Because of the missing blue Kufi, KnK gained new friends like Rex, Pokey, Cube, Mr. Wise, and Dash.


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