Jual Buku Anak Klasik: The Little Engine That Could The Complete, Original Edition


The Little Engine That Could The Complete, Original Edition

When the other engines refuse, the Little Blue Engine tries to pull a stranded train full of toys and good food over the mountain.

The story of a train filled with toys and gifts for little boys and girls that breaks down before reaching the children.

After asking several passing trains for help over the hill, a little blue train agrees to help the stranded toys.

Even though she is small, the blue train tries her best to bring the toys to the children on the other side of the hill.

Beli Buku Ini:
WA. 0815 6148 165
Telp. (022) 878 248 98

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Judul Buku: The Little Engine That Could The Complete, Original Edition
ISBN: 0448405202
Harga Jual: Rp. 197.000
Kode Buku:
Ukuran: 18.59cm?x 20.96cm?x 0.91cm
Halaman: 37
Jenis cover:

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