All posts tagged "abdul muthalib"
Kaaba Attacked by Abraha
Before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. King Abraha came from Yemen to Mecca. He and...
The Story of The Well of Zam Zam
For 4000 years, the existence of the Zam-zam Well, a relic of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail,...
The Story of the Well of Zam Zam
For 4000 years, the existence of the Zam-zam Well, a relic of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail,...
Prophet’s Grandfather’s Promise
Abdul Muthalib, has long been trusted to maintain and guard the Kaaba and the Zam-zam Well. However,...
52 Kisah Terbaik Nabi Muhammad Penuh Hikmah Teladan: Kisah Sumur Zam-Zam
Selama 4000 tahun, keberadaan Sumur Zam-zam peninggalan Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Ismail sempat terkubur dan tidak diketahui...
52 Kisah Terbaik Nabi Muhammad Penuh Hikmah Teladan: Janji Kakek Rasulullah
Abdul Muthalib, sudah sejak lama dipercaya memelihara serta menjaga Ka’bah dan Sumur Zam-zam. Tapi, saat ia mengajak...