Unta Si Peminum Paling Hebat di Dunia dengan 100 Liter Air Sekali Minum
- Updated: September 5, 2023

Oleh: Kak Nurul Ihsan
Unta adalah peminum paling hebat di dunia.
Unta bisa minum 100 liter air sekali minum.
Tapi, unta bisa bertahan hidup tanpa makan dan minum selama 17 hari di gurun pasir paling kering di dunia.

The Camel is the Greatest Drinker in the World with 100 Liters of Water at a Time
Camels are the greatest drinkers in the world.
Camels can drink 100 liters of water at a time.
However, camels can survive without eating or drinking for 17 days in the driest desert in the world.

(Kak Nurul Ihsan/Penerbit Agromedia Pustaka)
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