Undian Nabi Yunus Untuk Terjun Ke Laut Sehingga Ditelan Ikan Paus Raksasa
- Updated: Agustus 31, 2023

Oleh: Kak Nurul Ihsan

Bertahun-tahun Nabi Yunus mendakwahi penduduk Ninawa, namun tak satupun dari mereka yang mengikuti ajaran Allah Swt.
Hati penduduk Ninawa sudah sekeras batu.
Nabi Yunus pun berdoa agar Allah Swt. menurunkan azab pada mereka.
Setelah berdoa Nabi Yunus pergi naik kapal laut.
Doa Nabi Yunus dikabulkan oleh Allah Swt.
Allah Swt. menurunkan badai dan angin yang sangat kencang.
Penduduk Ninawa ketakutan.
Di tengah lautan, badai tiba-tiba datang dan mengguncangkan kapal yang dinaiki Nabi Yunus.
Lalu sang nahkoda berseru, “Ada badai yang aneh. Pasti ada seseorang yang tidak diperkenankan di kapal ini.”
Lalu mereka melakukan undian.
Siapapun yang terundi harus menceburkan dirinya ke tengah laut.
Setelah tiga kali mengundi nama, keluarlah nama Nabi Yunus secara berturut-turut.
Maka Nabi Yunus pun terjun ke tengah samudera.
Lalu di balik ombak yang besar itu, munculah ikan paus raksasa menelan Nabi Yunus. ***

The Prophet Jonah’s Lottery was to plunge into the sea and be swallowed by a giant whale
For years the Prophet Yunus preached to the people of Ninawa, but none of them followed the teachings of Allah SWT.
The hearts of the people of Ninawa are as hard as stone.
Prophet Yunus also prayed that Allah SWT. bring down punishment on them.
After praying, Prophet Yunus went on a ship.
Prophet Yunus’ prayer was answered by Allah SWT.
Allah SWT. brought down storms and very strong winds.
Ninawa residents are afraid.
In the middle of the ocean, a sudden storm came and rocked the ship that the Prophet Jonah was on.
Then the captain called out, “There’s been a strange storm. There must be someone who isn’t allowed on this ship.”
Then they did a lottery.
Whoever is drawn must throw himself into the sea.
After three times drawing names, the name of the Prophet Jonah came out successively.
So the Prophet Yunus plunged into the middle of the ocean.
Then behind the big waves, a giant whale appeared to swallow Prophet Yunus. ***