Nabi Ilyasa’ Sakit dan Berpesan Untuk Merawat Anak Yatim
- Updated: Agustus 31, 2023

Oleh: Kak Nurul Ihsan

Suatu ketika Nabi Ilyasa sakit, ia berpesan kepada pengikutnya, “Rawatlah anak ini dengan baik. Dia anak yatim piatu yang sebatangkara.”
Para pengikut Nabi Ilyasa mengamini.
Tak lama setelah itu Nabi Ilyasa’ wafat.
Allah Swt. mencukupkan beliau dari tugas yang amat berat.
Pengikutnya pindah bersama si anak yatim mencari tempat lain yang lebih baik, sesuai pesan Nabi Ilyasa.
Dan Allah Swt. mengirimkan kembali azab ke kota Balabak dan menghukum Bani Israel yang tidak pernah insyaf dari kesalahan. ***

Prophet Ilyasa’ Sick and Ordered To Care for Orphans
Once when Prophet Ilyasa was sick, he advised his followers, “Take good care of this child. He is an orphan who is alone.”
The followers of the Prophet Ilyasa agreed.
Not long after that the Prophet Ilyasa’ died.
Allah SWT. sufficient for him from a very heavy task.
His followers moved with the orphan to find a better place, according to the message of the Prophet Ilyasa.
And Allah SWT. sent back the doom to the city of Balabak and punished the Children of Israel who never realized their mistakes. ***