Prophet Musa Confronts Pharaoh’s Magicians


Nabi Musa Menghadapi Para Tukang Sihir Firaun

Prophet Musa Confronts Pharaoh’s Magicians

On the appointed day, Prophet Musa (a.s.) and Pharaoh faced each other.

That day is the day of vengeance or the day of the king.

Before the sun rose, all the people of Egypt had gathered in the middle of the city to see the match between Prophet Musa and Pharaoh.

“O Musa, did you come here with the intention of driving me and my people away with your magic?” asked Pharaoh in a high tone.

“I am not afraid of your magic because I also have sorcerers who will fight you,” said Pharaoh again full of arrogance.

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“O Pharaoh, remember Allah’s punishment! Don’t ever say that I am a sorcerer because I am only Allah’s messenger who will guide my people,” explained Prophet Musa (AS) firmly.

“Shut up, Musa, you should just face my sorcerer,” Pharaoh shouted angrily at Prophet Musa (a.s.).

“Okay Musa, throw down your staff first or we will start first,” said Pharaoh’s magician.

“You guys go ahead,” said Prophet Musa AS calmly, without the slightest fear.

All the ropes and staffs of Pharaoh’s magicians turned into snakes.

Prophet Musa (a.s.) felt afraid and afraid to see the magic power of Pharaoh’s sorcerers.

However, Allah immediately gave orders to Prophet Musa AS.

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“O Musa, throw your staff with your right hand, your staff will swallow their snakes. In fact, what they are doing is just a trick of magic.”

Prophet Musa (a.s.) threw his staff.

Masha Allah!

The stick thrown by Prophet Musa AS suddenly transformed into a large snake which ate the small snakes of Pharaoh’s magicians.

(QS. Al Qashash: 23-28)


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