Prophet David’s marriage to Sabigh
- Updated: Februari 13, 2024

Prophet David’s marriage to Sabigh
One day, Prophet Daud (AS) saw a very beautiful girl, named Sabigh bint Syaigh.
Prophet Daud AS then wanted to marry Sabigh bint Sha’igh.
Even though as a king, Prophet David (AS) already had 99 wives.
However, the desire of the Prophet David (AS) was very strong.
Prophet Daud AS immediately went to Sabigh bint Sha’igh to marry her.
In fact, Sabigh bint Sha’igh was engaged to a soldier of the Prophet Daud named Uria bin Hannan.
Uriah bin Hannan and Sabigh bint Sha’igh have promised each other to marry.
However, the wedding could not take place because Uriah bin Hannan had to go to war.
Uriah bin Hannan promised to marry Sabigh bint Sha’igh after returning from war.
Sabigh bin Sha’igh’s parents could not refuse the proposal of Prophet Daud (AS).
It was a glory for them, their child married a king and prophet of Allah SWT.
Sabigh bint Sha’igh was also married to the Prophet Daud as.
One day, the Prophet David (AS) had two guests.
In fact, at that time it was the time for the Prophet David (AS) to worship Allah SWT.
Of course, the guards of the Prophet Daud (as) did not allow the two guests to enter the palace.
But the two guests insisted.
The two guests climbed over the fence and managed to enter the palace.
QS. Shad: 17-25