Pharaoh Challenged Prophet Musa to a Competition


Firaun Menantang Nabi Musa untuk Bertanding

Pharaoh Challenged Prophet Musa to a Competition

After working for ten years, Prophet Musa (as) received orders from Allah SWT to return to Egypt.

Prophet Musa (a.s.) was assigned to guide the people of the Children of Israel who were in Egypt.

Prophet Musa (as) asked permission from Prophet Shuaib (as) to return to Egypt.

Prophet Shuaib (a.s.) allowed Prophet Musa (a.s.) and his daughter to return to Egypt.

On the appointed day, Prophet Musa (a.s.) and his wife went to Egypt.

Prophet Musa (a.s.) and his wife walked through small streets because they were afraid of being caught by Pharaoh.

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After a long journey, finally Prophet Musa (a.s.) and his wife arrived in Egypt.

Prophet Musa (a.s.) and his wife then settled in the Bani Israel village.

There, Prophet Musa (AS) conveyed the revelations of Allah SWT.

Prophet Musa (a.s.) became the leader of the Children of Israel.

The arrival of Prophet Musa (AS) to Egypt made Pharaoh angry.

All this time, Pharaoh was looking for Prophet Musa (as) and now Prophet Musa (as) returned with new powers.

Prophet Musa (a.s.) came to Egypt with the aim of fighting Pharaoh.

This made Pharaoh even more angry.

Prophet Musa (a.s.) could no longer tolerate Pharaoh who acted arbitrarily towards the Children of Israel.

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Prophet Musa (AS) also challenged Pharaoh to compete with him.

Pharaoh and Prophet Musa (a.s.) agreed to compete in the middle of the city so that all the people could see their match.

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Pharaoh considered Prophet Musa as an enemy who could not be taken lightly.

Pharaoh considered Prophet Musa as a sorcerer so he gathered sorcerers to fight Prophet Musa as.

(QS. Thaha: 57-73)


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