How Satan Tempted Prophet Zulkifli AS


Cara Setan Menggoda Nabi Zulkifli as

How Satan Tempted Prophet Zulkifli AS

Prophet Ayyub as had a son, named Basyar.

Basyar was the son of the Prophet Ayyub who had patience.

One day, the old king announced something.

The king felt powerless to lead the kingdom and looked for a replacement.

The king will hand over his power to people who believe in Allah SWT and are responsible for carrying out the mandate of the people.

The king gathered his people to choose who should be king.

In front of his people, the king said, “Which of you is able to fast during the day and worship at night and always be patient?”

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“To that person I will hand over this kingdom,” challenged the king.

There stood a young man named Basyar who was none other than the son of the Prophet Ayyub AS.

Basyar said, “I am my master.”

“Which of you is able to fast during the day and worship at night and always be patient?” asked the king, repeating his question again.

“To him I will hand over this kingdom,” the king continued to emphasize.

Basyar stood up again and said, “I can do it, my lord.”

The king repeated his question several times and again and again Basyar stood up and stated that he was able.

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Meanwhile, none of the other people agreed to the king’s conditions.

Finally, the king handed over his kingdom to Basyar.

Then, Basyar became known as the Prophet Zulkifli AS, which means someone who is able to keep his promises.

After becoming king, Prophet Zulkifli AS regulated his sleep time and organized his people.

During the day, Prophet Zulkifli AS fasted and at night Prophet Zulkifli worshiped Allah SWT.

One night, Prophet Zulkifli (a.s.) was about to go to bed.

Suddenly, a demon came who resembled a guest who wanted to complain about his problems to the Prophet Zulkifli (as).

Because he was going to sleep, Prophet Zulkifli (as) handed over the matter to his deputy.

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However, the devil insisted on meeting Prophet Zulkifli (as) in person.

He forced Prophet Zulkifli (as) to resolve the problem.

Prophet Zulkifli (as) was not angry with the guest.

Prophet Zulkifli remained patient when facing guests who were actually devils who would tempt him.

QS. Al Anbiya: 85-86


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