Mukjizat Nabi Ibrahim as


mukjizat-nabi-ibrahim (; kak nurul ihsan)

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Nabi Ibrahim as termasuk salah satu di antara nabi dan rasul yang kisahnya banyak diulas dalam Al-Qur’an.

Kisah-kisah Nabi Ibrahim as tersebut diceritakan dari mulai proses Nabi Ibrahim mencari-cari Tuhan, menentang kezaliman Raja Namrud yang ingkar, sampai kisah Nabi Ibrahim as dengan kedua putranya, yaitu Nabi Ismail dan Nabi Ishaq.

Nabi Ibrahim memiliki mukjizat antara lain:

  • Nabi Ibrahim as tetap hidup meski dibakar oleh Raja Namrud dengan api yang sangat besar.
  • Nabi Ibrahim as dapat menyaksikan burung yang sudah mati dapat dihidupkan kembali.
  • Nabi Ibrahim dapat mengubah pasir menjadi makanan yang dapat dimakan.
  • Dengan seizin Allah Ta’ala, Nabi Ibrahim dapat memiliki putra pada saat usia 99 tahun.
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Miracles of Prophet Ibrahim AS

Prophet Ibrahim AS is one of the prophets and apostles whose stories are widely discussed in the Qur’an.

The stories of Prophet Ibrahim AS are told from the process of Prophet Ibrahim searching for God, opposing the tyranny of the rebellious King of Namrud, to the story of Prophet Ibrahim AS and his two sons, namely Prophet Ismail and Prophet Ishaq.

Prophet Ibrahim had miracles including:

  • Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) remained alive even though King Namrud burned him with a very large fire.
  • Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) was able to witness dead birds being revived.
  • Prophet Ibrahim could turn sand into edible food.
  • With Allah Ta’ala’s permission, Prophet Ibrahim was able to have a son at the age of 99 years.
Baca juga:  Alunan Alquran dari dalam Kubur

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