Makhluk Menyeramkan Memburu Nabi Muhammad SAW di Malam Isra Miraj


1 Makhluk Menyeramkan Memburu Nabi Muhammad SAW di Malam Isra Miraj

Alkisah, tersebutlah dari riwayat dua tahun setelah Nabi Muhamamd SAW diangkat menjadi Rasul.

Berturut-turut Nabi Muhammad SAW ditinggal wafat oleh orang-orang yang dicintainya dan yang telah banyak pengorbanannya terhadap perjuangan beliau dalam menyiarkan agama Islam.

Awalnya, Nabi Muhammad ditinggal wafat oleh sang paman, Abu Thalib.

Kemudian setelah itu menyusul sang istri tercintanya, yaitu Bunda Khadijah.

Maka tahun itu kemudian dinamakan “Amul Huzni” yang berarti tahun duka cita atau tahun kesedihan yang amat mendalam bagi Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Kemudian di tahun duka cita itu, pada malam Senin tanggal 27 Rajab, Nabi kedatangan Malaikat Jibril, Malaikat Mikail, dan seorang malaikat yang tidak dikenal namanya.

Merela kemudian membawa Nabi Muhamamd SAW melakukan perjalanan pada malam hari atau Isra dari Masjidil Haram di Mekkah menuju Masjidil Aqsa di Palestina.

Untuk melakukan perjalanan ini, mereka menaiki sebuah kendaraan istimewa yang bernama buroq.

Baca juga:  Menebalkan As Salaam (10)

Kendaraan tersebut dapat terbang secepat kilat.

Buroq ini sengaja didatangkan dari surga.

Malaikat Mikail bertugas untuk mengendalikan Buroq tersebut.

Dalam kendaraan Buroq ini, Nabi Muhammad SAW duduk dengan tenang sehingga beliau dapat memandang bebas ke mana-mana selama melakukan perjalanan tersebut.

Namun, tanpa Nabi Muhammad SAW sadari.

Tiba-tiba ketika Nabi Muhammad SAW menoleh ke belakang, beliau meihat ada suatu makhluk raksasa menyeramkan.

Makhluk tersebut membawa api di tangannya dan dengan cepat mengejar kendaraan Buroq yang ditumpangi Nabi Muhammad SAW bersama Malikat Jibril dan Mikail. ***

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Creepy Creatures Hunt the Prophet Muhammad SAW on the Night of Isra Mi’raj

Once upon a time, this is from a history two years after the Prophet Muhammad SAW was appointed as an Apostle.

Baca juga:  Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah Lebih Baik Lapar Dunia

Successively the Prophet Muhammad SAW was left to die by the people he loved and who had sacrificed a lot for his struggle in spreading the Islamic religion.

Initially, the Prophet Muhammad was left to die by his uncle, Abu Talib.

Then after that followed his beloved wife, namely Mother Khadijah.

So that year was later named “Amul Huzni” which means the year of sorrow or the year of deep sorrow for the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Then in that year of sorrow, on the night of Monday the 27th of Rajab, the Prophet saw the arrival of the Angel Gabriel, Angel Mikail, and an angel whose name is unknown.

They then took the Prophet Muhammad SAW to travel at night or Isra from the Grand Mosque in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Palestine.

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To make this trip, they boarded a special vehicle called a buroq.

The vehicle can fly as fast as lightning.

Buroq is intentionally brought from heaven.

Angel Mikail is in charge of controlling the Buroq.

In this Buroq vehicle, the Prophet Muhammad SAW sat quietly so that he could look freely everywhere during the journey.

However, without the Prophet Muhammad SAW knowing.

Suddenly when the Prophet Muhammad SAW looked back, he saw a giant, scary creature.

The creature carried a fire in its hand and quickly chased the Buroq vehicle on which the Prophet Muhammad was traveling along with Malikat Jibril and Mikail. ***

Sumber dan Kontributor

  • Naskah: Kak Nurul Ihsan (
  • Ilustrasi: Uci Ahmad Sanusi (
  • Penerbit Digital:
  • Naskah asli: Komik Neraka


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