Saudara Nabi Yusuf as Kekurangan Makanan
- Updated: Oktober 4, 2023

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Negara-negara tetangga yang sedang kekurangan bahan makanan datang ke Mesir untuk meminta pertolongan dari Nabi Yusuf as.
Mereka datang untuk membeli gandum yang masih tersedia di dalam gudang-gudang pemerintahan.
Di antara para pendatang yang ingin berbelanja ke Mesir terdapat rombongan orang-orang Palestina.
Di antara mereka terdapat saudara-saudara Nabi Yusuf as.
Mereka menghadap Nabi Yusuf yang memakai pakaian kerajaan.
Mereka sama sekali tidak mengenali Nabi Yusuf as.
Nabi Yusuf as yang masih mengenali mereka sebagai saudara-saudaranya segera menanyai mereka.
“Siapakah kalian ini? Ceritakan kepadaku tentang keluarga kalian?” tanya Nabi Yusuf dengan suara berwibawa.
“Wahai Paduka, kami adalah putra-putra Nabi Yakub as yang berjumlah dua belas orang. Saudara kami yang termuda tidak ikut bersama kami karena sedang menjaga ayah yang sudah lanjut usia dan buta,” kata saudara-saudara Nabi Yusuf as.
“Seorang saudara kami sudah lama pergi dan hingga kini kami tidak tahu keberadaannya. Kami datang atas perintah ayah kami untuk memohon pertolongan dari Paduka,” lanjut saudara-saudara Nabi Yusuf as.
“Kami bermaksud membeli gandum dari persediaan negara Paduka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kami yang mendesak,” sambung saudara-saudara Nabi Yusuf as. ***
QS. Yusuf: 58-68

The Prophet Yusuf’s brother lacked food
Neighboring countries that were short of food came to Egypt to ask for help from the Prophet Yusuf (AS).
They came to buy wheat which was still available in government warehouses.
Among the migrants who wanted to shop in Egypt were groups of Palestinians.
Among them were the brothers of the Prophet Yusuf as.
They faced the Prophet Yusuf who was wearing royal clothing.
They did not recognize Prophet Yusuf (as) at all.
Prophet Yusuf (AS), who still recognized them as his brothers, immediately questioned them.
“Who are you? Tell me about your family?” asked Prophet Yusuf in an authoritative voice.
“O Your Majesty, we are twelve sons of the Prophet Jacob (as). Our youngest brother did not come with us because he was looking after his father, who was elderly and blind,” said the brothers of the Prophet Yusuf (as).
“A brother of ours has been gone for a long time and until now we don’t know his whereabouts. We came on our father’s orders to ask for help from Your Majesty,” continued the brothers of Prophet Yusuf AS.
“We intend to buy wheat from Your Majesty’s state supplies to meet our urgent needs,” continued the brothers of Prophet Yusuf (as). ***
QS. Joseph: 58-68
- Penulis: Rani Yulianti
- Penyunting: Kak Nurul Ihsan
- Ilustrator: Dini Tresnadewi dan Aep Saepudin
- Desainer dan layouter: Jumari, Nurul Ihsan
- Penerbit: Erlangga For Kids (Jakarta, Indonesia)