Nabi Ibrahim Kecil Hidup di Gua Sendiri


Nabi Ibrahim kecil sedang tertawa-tawa, seperti sedang bercanda dengan seseorang.

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Oleh: Kak Nurul Ihsan dan tim

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“Tapi… aku merasa bayi kita masih hidup, Pak!” seru ibunda Nabi Ibrahim dengan yakin.

“Tidak mungkin, tentunya bayi kita sudah meninggal karena kelaparan atau dimakan binatang buas,” kata ayahanda Nabi Ibrahim.

Mendengar perkataan suaminya, ibunda Nabi Ibrahim menangis tersedu-sedu.

Ibunda Nabi Ibrahim membayangkan Nabi Ibrahim kecil dimakan binatang buas.

Namun, naluri bunda Nabi Ibrahim mengatakan jika putranya masih hidup.

“Kita harus kembali ke dalam hutan,” ucap ibunda Nabi Ibrahim kemudian.

Mata ibunda Nabi Ibrahim membulat menunjukkan tekad yang kuat.

Akhirnya, ayahanda Nabi Ibrahim mengikuti keinginan istrinya karena tidak tega melihat kesedihan istrinya.

Keesokan harinya, mereka berangkat pagi-pagi sekali menuju hutan.

“Itu guanya,” tunjuk ibunda Nabi Ibrahim.

Mereka berdua segera menuju gua.

Keadaan gua tampak sangat tenang.

Matahari pagi bersinar menerobos pintu gua.

Ibunda Nabi Ibrahim segera bergegas masuk ke dalam gua.

Apa yang dilihatnya di dalam gua benar-benar menakjubkan!

Nabi Ibrahim kecil sedang tertawa-tawa, seperti sedang bercanda dengan seseorang.

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“Bayiku!!!” jerit ibunda Nabi Ibrahim bahagia.

Ayahanda Nabi Ibrahim segera mengikuti istrinya.

Ayahanda Nabi Ibrahim pun tertegun melihat istrinya menggendong Ibrahim kecil.

“Lihat Ibrahim masih hidup!” pekik ibunda Nabi Ibrahim dengan girang sekali.

“Aneh aku sungguh tidak percaya,” kata ayahanda Nabi Ibrahim menggeleng-geleng masih tak percaya dengan kejadian saat itu.

“Ini suatu keajaiban. Rupanya ada yang menjaga Ibrahim,” kata ibunda Nabi Ibrahim sambil terus menggendong bayinya dengan penuh kasih sayang.

“Ya tapi kita tidak dapat membawa Ibrahim pulang,” ucap ayahanda Nabi Ibrahi, sambil mengelus kepala Ibrahim.

“Kalau begitu, aku yang akan ke sini setiap hari,” ucap istrinya tiba-tiba.

“Tapi bagaimana kalau orang lain curiga?” tanya ayahanda Nabi Ibrahim dengan penuh kecemasan.

“Aku akan berpura-pura mencari kayu bakar ke dalam hutan,” ucap ibunda Nabi Ibrahim penuh keyakinan.

“Baiklah kalau memang hanya itu caranya yang bisa lakukan,” ucap Azar kemudian mendukung rencana istrinya.

(QS. Al-An’am: 74-79)

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Prophet Ibrahim Little Lives in His Own Cave

“But… I feel our baby is still alive, sir!” cried the mother of Prophet Ibrahim with confidence.

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“It’s impossible, of course our baby has died of starvation or eaten by wild animals,” said the father of the Prophet Ibrahim.

Hearing her husband’s words, Prophet Ibrahim’s mother wept bitterly.

Prophet Ibrahim’s mother imagined that the small Prophet Abraham was eaten by wild animals.

However, the instinct of Prophet Ibrahim’s mother said that her son was still alive.

“We have to go back into the forest,” said Prophet Ibrahim’s mother later.

Prophet Ibrahim’s mother’s eyes rounded showing a strong determination.

Finally, Prophet Ibrahim’s father followed his wife’s wishes because he could not bear to see his wife’s sadness.

The next day, they left early in the morning for the forest.

“That’s the cave,” pointed to the mother of Prophet Ibrahim.

The two of them immediately headed for the cave.

The cave looks very calm.

The morning sun shone through the cave door.

Prophet Ibrahim’s mother immediately rushed into the cave.

What he saw in the cave was truly amazing!

Little Prophet Ibrahim was laughing, like he was joking with someone.

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“My baby!!!” screamed the mother of Prophet Ibrahim happily.

Prophet Ibrahim’s father immediately followed his wife.

Prophet Ibrahim’s father was stunned to see his wife carrying small Ibrahim.

“See Ibrahim is still alive!” cried the mother of Prophet Ibrahim with great joy.

“Strange, I really don’t believe it,” said Prophet Ibrahim’s father, shaking his head still in disbelief at the incident at that time.

“This is a miracle. Apparently someone is looking after Ibrahim,” said Prophet Ibrahim’s mother while continuing to hold her baby with great affection.

“Yes, but we can’t bring Ibrahim home,” said Ibrahim’s father, stroking Ibrahim’s head.

“Then I will be here every day,” his wife suddenly said.

“But what if other people get suspicious?” asked Abraham’s father with great anxiety.

“I will pretend to look for firewood into the forest,” said Prophet Ibrahim’s mother full of confidence.

“Okay, if that’s the only way to do it,” said Azar then supported his wife’s plan.

(QS. Al-An’am: 74-79)

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  • Penulis: Rani Yulianti
  • Penyunting: Kak Nurul Ihsan
  • Ilustrator: Dini Tresnadewi dan Aep Saepudin
  • Desainer dan layouter: Jumari, Nurul Ihsan
  • Penerbit: Erlangga For Kids (Jakarta, Indonesia)

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