Dosa Nabi Adam dan Hawa di Surga
- Updated: Agustus 14, 2023
Iblis terus-menerus mengulangi bujukannya sambil menunjuk buah yang tampak lezat dan harum itu.
Buah itu diperlihatkan iblis dalam bentuk yang sangat indah.
Kegigihan iblis pun membuahkan hasil.
Adam dan Hawa terbujuk rayuannya.
Adam dan Hawa akhirnya memakan buah itu.
Ketika keduanya mencicipi buah terlarang itu, terbukalah aurat-aurat mereka.
Kemudian, mereka menjadi malu dan menutupi aurat mereka dengan dedaunan.
Allah mencela perbuatan mereka itu dan berfirman, “Tidakkah Aku mencegah kalian untuk mendekati pohon itu dan memakan buahnya.”
“Dan tidakkah Aku telah mengingatkan kamu bahwa setan itu adalah musuhmu yang nyata.”
Adam dan Hawa mendengar firman itu.
Mereka sadar telah melanggar perintah Allah.
Mereka juga sadar telah melakukan dosa besar.
Mereka menyesal dan berkata kepada Allah, “Wahai Tuhan kami, kami telah menganiaya diri kami sendiri dan telah melanggar perintah-Mu karena kami terkena rayuan iblis.”
“Ampunilah dosa kami karena kami akan tergolong dalam golongan orang-orang yang rugi apabila Engkau tidak mengampuni dan Mengasihi kami,” kata Adam dengan penyesalan amat dalam.
Adam dan Hawa terus meminta ampun kepada Allah.
Perasaan menyesal merayapi hati mereka.
Mereka sangat menyesal terbujuk rayuan iblis yang telah menyesatkan mereka.
Mereka amat berharap Allah mau mengampuni mereka. ***
The Sins of Prophet Adam and Eve in Heaven
The devil kept repeating his persuasion while pointing at the delicious and fragrant fruit.
The fruit was shown by the devil in a very beautiful form.
The devil’s persistence bore fruit.
Adam and Eve were persuaded by his seduction.
Adam and Eve finally ate the fruit.
When both of them tasted the forbidden fruit, their genitals were exposed.
Then, they became ashamed and covered their nakedness with leaves.
Allah denounced their actions and said, “Did I not prevent you from approaching the tree and eating its fruit.”
“And didn’t I remind you that the devil is your real enemy.”
Adam and Eve heard the word.
They realized they had disobeyed God’s commandments.
They are also aware that they have committed a grave sin.
They regretted and said to Allah, “O our Lord, we have wronged ourselves and have disobeyed Your commandments because we were seduced by the devil.”
“Forgive us our sins because we will be among the losers if You do not forgive and love us,” said Adam with deep regret.
Adam and Eve kept asking God for forgiveness.
A feeling of regret crept into their hearts.
They are very sorry to be seduced by the devil who has led them astray.
They really hope Allah will forgive them. ***
- Penulis: Rani Yulianti
- Penyunting: Nurul Ihsan
- Ilustrator: Dini Tresnadewi dan Aep Saepudin
- Desainer dan layouter: Jumari, Nurul Ihsan
- Penerbit: Erlangga For Kids (Jakarta, Indonesia)