Nabi Ilyas Sering Bersembunyi di Rumah Kosong
- Updated: September 1, 2023

Oleh: Kak Nurul Ihsan

Kaum Bani Israel kembali berada dalam kesesatan.
Mereka telah melupakan ajaran Nabi Musa dan mulai kembali menyembah berhala yang bernama Ba`al dari orang Phunicia.
Allah kemudian mengutus seorang nabi yang bernama Ilyas.
Nabi Ilyas merupakan keturunan dari Nabi Harun yang keempat.
Nabi Ilyas senantiasa menyeru umatnya untuk menyembah Allah dan meninggalkan sesembahan selain Allah.
Namun, kaumnya tetap tidak mau mendengarkan seruan Nabi Ilyas.
Nabi Ilyas terus-menerus berusaha menyadarkan kaumnya dari kesesatan.
Namun, kaumnya tetap keras.

Mereka malah mengejar-ngejar Nabi Ilyas untuk dibunuh.
Nabi Ilyas pun bersembunyi dan berpindah-pindah dari satu rumah ke rumah yang lain.
Nabi Ilyas mencari rumah kosong yang dapat dia tempati.
Dengan kekuasaan Allah, setiap rumah yang Nabi Ilyas masuki selalu tersedia makanan.
Orang-orang yang mengejarnya pun mengetahui hal itu.
Jika mereka memperoleh makanan di sebuah rumah, mereka yakin rumah tersebut pernah dimasuki Nabi Ilyas. ***
Pesan kisah:
Orang-orang yang ingkar selalu menutup hatinya dari cahaya keimanan kepada Allah.
Firman Allah Ta’ala
وَإِنَّ إِلْيَاسَ لَمِنَ ٱلْمُرْسَلِينَ
wa inna ilyāsa laminal-mursalīn
Dan sesungguhnya Ilyas benar-benar termasuk salah seorang rasul-rasul.
(QS. Ash-Shaffat: 123)

Prophet Ilyas Often Hides in an Empty House
The Children of Israel were again in error.
They had forgotten the teachings of the Prophet Moses and began to return to worshiping an idol called Ba’al from the Phoenicians.
Allah then sent a prophet named Ilyas.
Prophet Ilyas was a descendant of the fourth Prophet Harun.
Prophet Ilyas always called on his people to worship Allah and abandon any deity other than Allah.
However, his people still did not want to listen to Prophet Ilyas’ call.
Prophet Ilyas continually tried to awaken his people from error.
However, his people remained tough.
They even chased Prophet Ilyas to kill him.
Prophet Ilyas hid and moved from one house to another.
Prophet Ilyas looked for an empty house that he could live in.
With Allah’s power, every house that Prophet Ilyas entered was always provided with food.
The people who were chasing him knew that too.
If they get food in a house, they are sure that the house was entered by Prophet Ilyas. ***
Story message:
People who disbelieve always close their hearts to the light of faith in Allah.
Word of Allah Ta’ala
وَإِنَّ إِلْيَاسَ لَمِنَ ٱلْمُرْسَلِينَ
wa inna ilyāsa laminal-mursalīn
And actually Elias really included one of the apostles.
(QS. Ash-Shaffat: 123)