Sahabat Rasul yang Rajin Berpuasa
- Updated: Agustus 10, 2023

Suatu hari Rasulullah Saw. berkunjung ke rumah salah seorang sahabatnya.
Di sana Rasulullah Saw. disuguhi makanan.
Untuk menghormati tamunya, Rasulullah Saw. pun segera menyantap makanan itu.
Namun sahabat itu tidak ikut makan.
Rasulullah Saw. pun keheranan, “Kenapa engkau tidak ikut makan?”
Pemilik rumah pun menjawab dengan sungkan, “Maaf, ya Rasulullah. Hari ini sebenarnya kami sedang berpuasa….”
Rasulullah Saw. tersenyum bahagia mendengar sahabatnya sedang berpuasa.
Rasulullah Saw. kemudian bersabda, “Sesungguhnya orang yang berpuasa itu selalu didoakan oleh malaikat.”
“Terutama jika ada orang yang makan di tempatnya. Orang berpuasa itu akan didoakan hingga orang yang makan itu selesai menyantap makanannya.” ***
Keutamaan Puasa
- Puasa salah satu ciri orang bertakwa.
- Puasa adalah pelindung dari gejolak hawa nafsu dan neraka.
- Puasa salah satu sebab masuk surga.
- Pahala puasa tidak terbatas.
- Puasa sebagai penebus dosa.
- Bau mulut orang yang berpuasa lebih wangi di sisi Allah Swt. daripada bau minyak kesturi.

Friends of the Apostle who Diligent Fasting
One day Rasulullah SAW. visited a friend’s house.
There Rasulullah SAW. served food.
To honor his guest, Rasulullah SAW. immediately ate the food.
But the friend did not come to eat.
Rasulullah saw. was surprised, “Why don’t you come eat?”
The owner of the house replied reluctantly, “Sorry, O Messenger of Allah. Today we are actually fasting…”
Rasulullah saw. smiled happily to hear his best friend was fasting.
Rasulullah saw. then said, “Surely the fasting person is always prayed for by angels.”
“Especially if someone eats at his place. The fasting person will be prayed for until the person eating has finished eating his food.” ***
The Virtue of Fasting
- Fasting is one of the characteristics of pious people.
- Fasting is a protector from the turmoil of lust and hell.
- Fasting is one of the reasons to enter heaven.
- The rewards of fasting are unlimited.
- Fasting as penance.
- The smell of the mouth of a fasting person is more fragrant in the sight of Allah SWT. than the smell of musk oil.

- Naskah: Kak Nurul Ihsan
- Ilustrasi: Uci Ahmad Sanusi
- Desain layout: Yuyus Rusamsi
- Penerbit: Smart Books, Bandung, Indonesia
- Copyright/hak cipta: Nurul Ihsan/