Rasulullah Merelakan Dicambuk Ukasyah
- Updated: Agustus 11, 2023

Menjelang wafat, Rasulullah Saw. sempat meminta para sahabatnya untuk membalas perbuatannya jika ada yang pernah tersakiti oleh Rasulullah.
Saat itu, tiba-tiba muncul Ukasyah.
Dulu, Ukasyah pernah terkena cambuk Rasulullah Saw. pada saat Perang Badar.
Maka sesuai permintaan Rasulullah Saw, Ukasyah pun sudah siap akan mencambuk Rasulullah.
Namun, saat Rasulullah membuka baju.
Tiba-tiba, Ukasyah langsung memeluk dan menciumi Rasulullah Saw.
Ukasyah berkata sambil menangis.
“Mana mungkin aku tega melukai diri engkau ya Rasulullah.”
“Aku sama sekali tidak ingin menuntut balas padamu.”
“Aku hanya ingin lebih dekat dan memelukmu,” kata Ukasyah dengan terharu dan bahagia. ***
Keutamaan Memaafkan
- Orang yang memaafkan lebih beruntung daripada orang yang dimaafkan.
- Dapat menyelesaikan perselisihan.
- Dapat menyambung silaturrahim yang telah putus.
- Dapat memperkokoh persatuan dan kesatuan umat.
- Dapat menghilangkan rasa permusuhan dan memperbanyak teman.

Rasulullah Wills to be Whipped by Ukasyah
Before he died, Rasulullah SAW. had asked his friends to repay his actions if anyone had ever been hurt by the Prophet.
At that time, Ukasyah suddenly appeared.
In the past, Ukasyah had been whipped by the Prophet Muhammad. during the Battle of Badr.
So according to the Prophet’s request, Ukasyah was ready to whip the Prophet.
However, when the Prophet undressed.
Suddenly, Ukasyah immediately hugged and kissed Rasulullah SAW.
Ukasyah said while crying.
“How could I hurt you O Messenger of Allah.”
“I don’t want to exact revenge on you at all.”
“I just want to get closer and hug you,” said Ukasyah, moved and happy. ***
The Power of Forgiveness
- Those who forgive are luckier than those who are forgiven.
- Can resolve disputes.
- Can reconnect friendships that have been broken.
- Can strengthen the unity and unity of the people.
- Can eliminate hostility and make more friends.

- Naskah: Kak Nurul Ihsan
- Ilustrasi: Uci Ahmad Sanusi
- Desain layout: Yuyus Rusamsi
- Penerbit: Smart Books, Bandung, Indonesia
- Copyright/hak cipta: Nurul Ihsan/www.cbmagency.com