The Story of The Well of Zam Zam


gambar 52 kisah terbaik nabi muhammad penuh hikmah teladan, kisah sumur zam-zam

For 4000 years, the existence of the Zam-zam Well, a relic of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail, was buried and its location is unknown.

But before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, Abdul Muthalib had a dream that someone visited him, “O Abdul Muttalib! Dig Zam-zam! Zam-zam is a well of water that does not subside forever and that water will feed the many pilgrims!”

Abdul Muthalib and his son, Al Haarits bin Abdul Muthalib then searched for the place.

After a long time of digging, they finally managed to find the Well of Zam-zam. ***

Privileges Zam Zam Water

  • The best water on earth is Zamzam water.
  • Even though it has been drunk continuously for thousands of years until now, the flow of Zamzam water never subsides.
  • Zamzam water contains substances that are filling, can be used as painkillers, does not have an expiration date, and can be drunk at any time.
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