Prophet’s Grandfather’s Promise


gambar 52 kisah terbaik nabi muhammad penuh hikmah teladan, janji kakek rasulullah

Abdul Muthalib, has long been trusted to maintain and guard the Kaaba and the Zam-zam Well.

However, when he asked the people of Mecca to work together to repair the Zam-zam Well, only a few helped him.

He also prayed to Allah SWT. in order to be blessed with many sons so that they can help guard the Kaaba and the Zam-zam Well.

He also vowed or promised to sacrifice one of his sons if he was blessed with ten sons.

Abdul Muthalib immediately carried out his vows when he was blessed with ten sons.

To determine who will be sacrificed, Abdul Muthalib draws lots.

Baca juga:  The Story of the Well of Zam Zam

It turned out that the lottery went to his son Abdullah, the father of the Prophet Muhammad.

On the advice of the Quraysh and a woman astrologer from the Hijaz, the lot had to be repeated with 100 camels, not with her 10 sons.

Finally Abdul Muttalib slaughtered one hundred camels to replace Abdullah’s vows. ***


  • Allah SWT. praise those who fulfill their vows.
  • Whoever vows to obey Allah SWT, then fulfill this vow.
  • Whoever vows to disobey Allah SWT, then don’t do it.
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