99 Names of Allah; Al-Asma-ul-Husna: Al-Mu’min (الْمُؤْمِنُ) The Infuser of Faith



God Who Provides Security.

Who instills faith in the hearts of His servants.

Protects those who seek His protection.

So that Allah has the name Al-Mu’min, namely the Giver of Security.

When Rasulullah SAW and Abu Bakr were being chased by Quraysh infidels.

They then hid in Tsur’s cave.

Allah, the Most Providing Security, then decorated the mouth of the Tsur cave with cobwebs that filled all sides and rooms at the mouth of the cave.

So that the Quraysh thought, it was impossible for Rasulullah and Abu Bakr to enter and hide in that cave.

Because the spider’s web remains tight, none of the threads break. ***

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