99 The Names of Allah; Al-Asma-ul-Husna: Ar Rahmaan (الرَّحْمَنُ); The Beneficent


Mukjizat Rasulullah Unta yang Menangis

Table of Contents

Ar Rahmaan (الرَّحْمَنُ); The Beneficent

Allah, the Most Merciful, bestows grace and prosperity on all of His creatures.

Without favoritism.

Be it humans, animals, and plants, Allah has determined their sustenance.

So that Allah has the beautiful name Ar-Rohmaan.

That is, Most Merciful.

ilustrasi seri belajar islam sejak usia dini nabi muhammad idolaku, Inilah Cara Nabi Muhammad SAW Merawat Untanya
Prophet Muhammad had a camel named Al-Qashwa. (Image: ebookanak.com/Kak Nurul Ihsan)

Allah gives privileges to camels who live in hot and arid deserts.

Camels are able to withstand hunger for eight days and can survive three weeks without water.

Subhan Allah!

The camel’s hump is a fat mound that provides nourishment when it is hungry and thirsty.

If they do not find food, camels can eat thorns.

Baca juga:  Rasulullah dan Pendeta Nasrani

Allah SWT has created a camel’s mouth that is thick and strong like rubber. ***


  • Author: ebookanak.com/Kak Nurul Ihsan
  • Image: ebookanak.com/Aep Saepudin
  • Design: ebookanak.com/Kak Nurul Ihsan
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