99 Names of Allah; Al-Asma-ul-Husna: Ar-Raheem (الرَّحِيمُ); The Merciful


Laut Merah terbelah dua menjadi jalan tanah yang bisa dilalui Nabi Musa as. dan rombongannya.

Table of Contents

Al Malik (الْمَلِكُ); The King

Allah SWT, the Most Reigning and the Owner and King of all the worlds.

All creatures on this earth are subject to His commands.

So that Allah has the beautiful name Al-Malik, which is the Most Reigning.

King Pharaoh was an Egyptian king who was famous for being arrogant and claiming to be God.

ilustrasi cinta nabi pahlawanku, Bagaimana Cara Nabi Musa Menaklukkan Ular-Ular Para Penyihir Firaun
Pharaoh mobilized his magicians who issued snakes to face the power of Prophet Musa. (Image: ebookanak.com/Kak Nurul Ihsan)

Pharaoh ruled during the time of Prophet Musa as and Prophet Harun as.

When Pharaoh and his troops chased Musa as and his people across the ocean.

Allah SWT then drowned Pharaoh and his troops into the Red Sea.

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Meanwhile, Prophet Musa (as) and his people survived to the mainland. ***


  • Author: ebookanak.com/Kak Nurul Ihsan
  • Image: ebookanak.com/Aep Saepudin
  • Design: ebookanak.com/Kak Nurul Ihsan
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