99 Names of Allah; Al-Asma-ul-Husna: Ar-Raheem (الرَّحِيمُ); The Merciful


Inilah Pertama Kali Bunda Hajar dan Ismail Menemukan Air Zam Zam

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Ar-Raheem (الرَّحِيمُ); The Merciful

Allah, the Most Merciful, bestows grace and prosperity on those who believe and fear Him.

So that Allah has the beautiful name Ar-Rohiim.

That is, Most Merciful.

Allah SWT told Prophet Ibrahim as to bring his wife Hajar and son Ismail to Mecca.

Hajar and Ismail who were still small were then left in the middle of the desert with little to eat.

Then, Ismail wept because of thirst.

Kemudian, Malaikat Jibril mengajak Siti Hajar ke suatu tempat. Di tempat itu, Malaikat Jibril menginjakkan kakinya sekuat-kuatnya di atas tanah.
Siti Hajar looked for a source of drinking water by running seven times between Shafa hill and Marwah hill. (Image: ebookanak.com/Kak Nurul Ihsan)

Hajar ran between Shafa hill and Marwah hill seven times to find drinking water.

Allah, the Most Merciful, then sent the Angel Gabriel there.

Baca juga:  Mecca before Rasulullah SAW was born

Jibril stamped her foot firmly on the ground.

Then suddenly, from the prints of Gabriel’s feet gushing torrents of water.

The water is so clear and never dry.

The spring is then called zam zam water. ***


  • Author: ebookanak.com/Kak Nurul Ihsan
  • Image: ebookanak.com/Aep Saepudin
  • Design: ebookanak.com/Kak Nurul Ihsan
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