Inilah Rahasia Lidah Manusia


ilustrasi seri sains anak mengenal alam semesta rahasia keajaiban tubuh, Inilah Rahasia Lidah Manusia

 Lidah sang indera pengecap.

The tongue as the sense of taste.

Lidah terletak di dalam mulut.

Tongue is located inside the mouth.

Lidah merupakan indera pencecap.

Tongue is the sense of taste.

Saraf pencecap terdapat pada bintil-bintil lidah atau papila.

The taste nerves are in the pimples of tongue or papillae.

Lidah mempunyai bagian-bagian yang peka terhadap rasa tertentu yaitu:

Tongue has parts that are sensitive to certain flavors, they are:

Ujung lidah peka terhadap rasa manis.

The tip of tongue is sensitive to sweet taste.

Samping lidah peka terhadap rasa asin dan asam.

The side of tongue is sensitive to salty and sour tastes.

Pangkal lidah peka terhadap rasa pahit.

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The base of tongue is sensitive to bitter taste.

Nurul Ihsan

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