Inilah Rahasia Kulit Manusia



Kulit sang indera peraba.

The skin as the sense of touch.

Kulit merupakan indera peraba.

Skin is the sense of touch.

Di dalam kulit terdapat ujung-ujung saraf peraba.

In the skin there are the tip of the touch nerves.

Namun tidak semua permukaan kulit memiliki alat peraba yang sama pekanya.

However, not all skin surfaces have the touch sensory with the same sensitivity.

Bagian kulit paling peka adalah ujung jari dan bibir.

The most sensitive part of skin is on the finger tip and the lips.

Kulit dapat membedakan kasar, halus, panas, dingin, dan sakit.

Skin can differentiate rough, smooth, hot, cold, and pain.

Nurul Ihsan

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Penerbit Luxima Metro Media




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