Si Kera dan Si Ayam (Cerita Rakyat Nusantara dari Sulawesi Tenggara)


si kera dan ayam (6)

Table of Contents

Oleh: Kak Nurul Ihsan

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Dukung kami dengan donasi, infaq, sedekah jariyah, zakat, dan wakaf agar dapat terus update konten setiap hari di dan full ebook "101 Cerita Nusantara" (200 hal PDF) donasi Rp 50 ribu, Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI): 7113717337, Yayasan Sebaca Indonesia. Setelah konfirmasi donasi, link ebook dikirim via WA ini. Terimakasih.
Download full ebook “101 Cerita Nusantara” (200 hal PDF) donasi Rp 50 ribu, Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI): 7113717337, Yayasan Sebaca Indonesia. Setelah konfirmasi donasi, link ebook dikirim via WA ini. Terimakasih.

Di pinggir sebuah hutan, tinggal seekor kera dan seekor ayam hutan.

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Pada suatu hari, Ayam Hutan mengajak Kera bermain ke tengah hutan.

Maka, pergilah mereka hingga jauh ke tengah hutan.

Di tengah hutan, tiba-tiba si Kera lapar ingin makan, namun tak ada sedikit pun makanan tersedia di sana.

(Kak Nurul Ihsan/
Dengan ketakutan, si Ayam Hutan pun langsung terbang ke tepi sungai menjauhi si Kera. (Kak Nurul Ihsan/

Sampai tengah malam, Kera belum juga mendapatkan makanan.

Sementara Ayam Hutan sudah tertidur di dekatnya.

Karena rasa laparnya sudah tak terhankan lagi, timbullah keinginan si Kera untuk memangsa si Ayam Hutan.

Si Kera mulai mencabuti bulu-bulu si Ayam Hutan yang sedang tidur.

Si Ayam Hutan terperanjat kaget, ketika tahu bulu-bulunya sedang dicabuti si Kera.

“Tolong! Tolong!”

Dengan ketakutan, si Ayam Hutan pun langsung terbang ke tepi sungai menjauhi si Kera.

“Hei, Ayam Hutan jangan lari!” seru Si Kera sambil berlari mengejar Ayam Hutan.

Di tepi sungai hutan, Ayam Hutan bertemu dengan si Kepiting.

(Kak Nurul Ihsan/
Di tengah sungai, si Ayam Hutan mematuk-matuk perahu itu hingga bocor. (Kak Nurul Ihsan/

Si Ayam Hutan segera menceritakan kejadian yang dialaminya.

Mendengar hal itu, si Kepiting menyusun siasat hendak melawan si Kera.

Setelah si Kera tiba di tepi sungai, si Ayam Hutan lalu mencerikan kepada si Kera bahwa kata si Kepiting di tepi sungai terdapat banyak makanan.

Diajaklah si Kera menyebrangi sungai menggunakan perahu yang terbuat dari tanah liat.

Di tengah sungai, si Ayam Hutan mematuk-matuk perahu itu hingga bocor.

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Ketika perahu itu bocor dan mulai terisi air, si Kepiting kemudian melompat dan berenang ke pinggir sungai.

Demikian pula si Ayam Hutan terbang tinggi ke daratan.

Tinggallah si Kera sendirian di atas perahu di tengah sungai.

Ia tak bisa berenang seperti si Kepiting dan tak bisa terbang seperti si Ayam Hutan.

Si Kera hanya bisa meratapi nasibnya, hingga ia tenggelam bersama perahunya.

Pesan Moral
Jagalah persahabatanmu dengan tidak mengkhianati dan menyakiti teman.

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Baca, download, dan print konten ebook anak bergambar di dengan donasi sesuai kemampuan.


On the edge of a forest, lived a monkey and a partridge.

One day, the Junglefowl invited Monkey to play in the middle of the forest.

So, they went far into the middle of the forest.

In the middle of the forest, suddenly the monkey was hungry and wanted to eat, but there wasn’t any food available there.

Until midnight, the monkeys had not yet found food.

(Kak Nurul Ihsan/
(Kak Nurul Ihsan/

While the Forest Chicken was asleep nearby.

Because his hunger was unbearable, the monkey’s desire arose to prey on the jungle fowl.

The Ape began to pluck the feathers of the Forest Chicken that was sleeping.

The Forest Chicken was shocked when he found out that the Ape was plucking his feathers.

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“Help! Help!”

With fear, the Junglefowl immediately flew to the bank of the river away from the Ape.

“Hey, Partridge don’t run!” cried the Ape while running after the Partridge.

On the bank of a forest river, the Jungle Fowl met the Crab.

The Forest Chicken immediately told what happened to him.

Hearing this, the Crab devised a strategy to fight the Ape.

After the monkey arrived at the bank of the river, the jungle fowl then told the monkey that the crab said there was a lot of food on the bank of the river.

(Kak Nurul Ihsan/
(Kak Nurul Ihsan/

Invite the Monkey to cross the river using a boat made of clay.

In the middle of the river, the Partridge pecked at the boat until it leaked.

When the boat leaked and started to fill with water, the crab then jumped and swam to the edge of the river.

Likewise the Junglefowl flew high to the mainland.

Leaving the Ape alone on a boat in the middle of the river.

He can’t swim like the Crab and can’t fly like the Jungle Chicken.

The Ape could only lament his fate, until he sank with his boat.

Moral message
Maintain your friendship by not betraying or hurting your friends.

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