Cerita Rakyat Sumatera Barat: Lebai Malang (Cerita Rakyat Provinsi Sumatera Barat)


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Cerita Rakyat Sumatera Barat: Lebai Malang (Cerita Rakyat Provinsi Sumatera Barat)

Dulu, ada seorang ketua kampung yang tinggal di tepi sungai bernama Pak Lebai. 

Pak Lebai sangat dikenal di seluruh kampung yang berada di hulu sampai hilir sungai tersebut.

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Suatu hari, Pak Lebai mendapat dua undangan pesta pernikahan yang bersamaan waktunya.

Undangan pertama, rumahnya ada di hulu sungai.

Sedangkan undangan kedua, rumahnya di hilir sungai.

Pesta di hulu akan memotong dua ekor kerbau, dan Pak Lebai akan mendapat bagian dua kepala kerbau.

Tapi, masakannya kurang enak dan Pak Lebai kurang akrab dengan tuan rumahnya.

Sedangkan pesta di hilir, hanya akan menyembelih satu ekor kerbau dan Pak Lebai akan mendapat satu kepala kerbau saja.

Namun masakan di hilir sangat enak dan Pak Lebai juga kenal baik dengan  tuan rumahnya.

Pak Lebai masih bingung.

Pak Lebai pun pergi ke sungai mengayuh perahunya ke arah hulu.

Pak Lebai masih berpikir, bahwa di sana ia akan mendapat dua kepala kerbau.

Tapi di tengah jalan, Pak Lebai berbalik arah menuju pesta di hilir.

Tapi, setibanya di hilir, pesta telah usai.

Kepala kerbau dan makanan di pesta telah habis oleh para tamu yang lain.

Dengan kecewa, Pak Lebai kemudian pergi ke hulu mengayuh cepat perahunya.

Tapi, pesta di hulu pun telah selesai.

Betapa malangnya Pak Lebai.

Pak Lebai juga telah kehabisan makanan di pesta itu.

Kini, Pak Lebai pulang dengan tangan hampa.

Esoknya, Pak Lebai lalu pergi memancing sambil membawa bekal sebungkus nasi dan membawa anjing miliknya.         

Setelah lama menunggu, “Wah, akhirnya ada ikan yang memakan umpanku,” seru Pak Lebai gembira.

Tapi, sayang kailnya tersangkut di batu.

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Pak Lebai pun turun ke dalam sungai untuk mengambil ikan yang memakan umpannya.

Tiba-tiba saja, ikan itu meronta-ronta dan lepas kembali ke sungai.

Dengan kecewa, Pak Lebai naik ke daratan.

Namun, betapa terkejutnya Pak Lebai ketika melihat bungkusan nasi yang dibawanya telah dimakan anjingnya.

Benar-benar malang nasib Pak Lebai.

Sejak saat itu, Pak Lebai dijuluki si Lebai malang. ***

(Dongeng Rakyat Sumatera Barat)

Pesan Moral
Jangan ragu-ragu dalam mengambil sebuah pilihan. Apapun pilihannya, selalu ada resikonya.

Folklore of West Sumatra: Lebai Malang (Folklore of West Sumatra Province)

In the past, there was a village chief who lived by the river named Pak Lebai.

Pak Lebai is very well known in all the villages upstream and downstream of the river.

One day, Pak Lebai received two wedding invitations at the same time.

The first invitation, his house is in the upper reaches of the river.

While the second invitation, his house downstream of the river.

The party upstream will slaughter two buffaloes, and Pak Lebai will get two buffalo heads.


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However, the cooking was not good and Pak Lebai was not familiar with his host.

Meanwhile, the downstream party will only slaughter one buffalo and Mr Lebai will only get one buffalo head.

However, the dishes downstream are very delicious and Pak Lebai also knows the host well.

Pak Lebai is still confused.

Pak Lebai went to the river paddling his boat upstream.

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Pak Lebai still thinks that there he will get two buffalo heads.

But midway, Pak Lebai turned around to head for the party downstream.

But, by the time they got downstream, the party was over.

Buffalo head and food at the party had been finished by the other guests.

Disappointed, Pak Lebai then went upstream to pedal fast in his boat.

But, the party upstream was over.

How unfortunate Mr. Lebai.

Pak Lebai also ran out of food at the party.

Now, Pak Lebai returns empty-handed.

The next day, Mr. Lebai then went fishing while carrying a pack of rice and brought his dog.

After a long wait, “Wow, finally a fish took my bait,” exclaimed Pak Lebai happily.

But, unfortunately the hook stuck in the rock.

Pak Lebai also went down into the river to get the fish that took the bait.

Suddenly, the fish thrashed and released back into the river.

Disappointed, Pak Lebai went up to the mainland.

However, how surprised Mr. Lebai was when he saw that the rice packet he was carrying had been eaten by his dog.

Pak Lebai’s fate is really unfortunate.

Since then, Pak Lebai has been nicknamed the poor Lebai. ***

(West Sumatran Folk Tales)

Moral message
Do not hesitate in making a choice. Whatever the choice, there is always a risk.

Video: Kisah Pak Lebai Malang

Channel Youtube: Dongeng Kita


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