Cuaca dalam Diriku


Semua orang tahu bagaimana keadaan cuaca di luar, tetapi terkadang, suasana hati kita sulit dijelaskan.

Sumber dan Kontributor

  • Judul: Cuaca dalam Diriku
  • Seri: Cerita Bergambar
  • Penulis: Jen Thorpe
  • Ilustrator: Lara Berge
  • Penyunting: Adani Nur Sabrina
  • Isi Buku: 31 halaman
  • Bahasa: Indonesia
  • Original story My Inside Weather by Book Dash
  • Written by Jen Thorpe
  • Illustrated by Lara Berge
  • Translated by Adani Nur Sabrina for Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa
  • All the content on StoryWeaver is openly licensed under Creative Commons. The license that has been used for all stories and illustrations is CCBY4.0. This license lets you distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as you credit us, Pratham Books, the donor/funder of the book, and the original author, illustrator and translator, where applicable, for the original creation.
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