Cerita Rakyat Bangka Belitung: Asal Mula Pulau Kapal dan Tongkat Permata
- Updated: Januari 8, 2024

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Cerita Rakyat Bangka Belitung: Asal Mula Pulau Kapal dan Tongkat Permata
Dahulu ada sebuah keluarga yang tinggal di dekat Sungai Cicuruk.
Suami istri itu memiliki seorang anak laki-laki bernama Kulup.
Suatu hari, Pak Kulup pergi ke hutan untuk mencari rebung.
Di sana ia menemukan sebuah tongkat di antara rumpun bambu.
Ternyata tongkat itu dihiasi intan permata dan batu merah delima.
Pak Kulup memutuskan untuk membawa pulang rebung dan tongkat itu.
Setibanya di rumah, Pak Kulup menceritakan kejadian yang dialaminya.
Kemudian mereka sepakat untuk menjual tongkat temuan itu.
Si Kulup disuruh menjual tongkat itu ke negeri seberang.
Akhirnya, tongkat itu pun dibeli oleh seorang saudagar kaya dengan harga tinggi.
Namun, Si Kulup tidak segera pulang ke rumahnya.
Ia lebih memilih tinggal di rantau, bahkan ia pun menikahi putri saudagar paling kaya di negeri itu.
Suatu hari, Si Kulup dan istrinya berdagang ke muara Sungai Cicuruk.
Berita kedatangan Si Kulup terdengar sampai ke telinga orangtuanya.
Kedua orangtua Si Kulup pergi ke kapal untuk menemui Si Kulup.
Sang ibu berteriak-teriak memanggil Si Kulup.
Mendengar suara ibunya, Si Kulup tampak bingung.
Ia malu jika sampai orang lain tahu bahwa orangtua yang berpakaian kumal itu adalah ayah dan ibu kandungnya.
“Siapa kalian? Cepat pergi dari kapalku!” teriak Si Kulup.
“Ini ibu dan ayahmu, Kulup. Ibu juga sudah membawa makanan kesukaanmu,” jawab ibu Si Kulup dengan nada sedih.
“Makanan apa ini? Aku tidak suka makanan kampung seperti ini. Orangtuaku adalah seorang saudagar kaya. Bukan gembel seperti kalian,” ucap Kulup sambil membuang makanan pemberian ibunya.
Kedua orang tua Kulup sakit hati.
Si ibu mengikhlaskan kapal besar itu karam.
Tiba-tiba muncul badai besar dan gelombang laut yang sangat tinggi.
Kapal itu pun karam.
Di tempat karamnya kapal itu lalu muncul sebuah pulau yang menyerupai sebuah kapal.
Sekarang, pulau itu bernama Pulau Kapal. ***
Pesan Moral
Di antara doa yang mudah diterima Tuhan adalah doa orangtua.
Bangka Belitung Folklore: The Origin of Ship Islands and Jewel Sticks
There used to be a family who lived near the Cicuruk River.
The husband and wife have a son named Kulup.
One day, Mr. Foreskin went to the forest to look for bamboo shoots.
There he found a stick among the bamboo clumps.
It turned out that the staff was decorated with diamonds and rubies.
Mr. Foreskin decided to take the bamboo shoots and sticks home.
Arriving at home, Mr. Kulup told what happened to him.
Then they agreed to sell the found stick.
The Foreskin was told to sell the stick to a foreign country.
Finally, the stick was bought by a rich merchant at a high price.
However, The Foreskin did not immediately return to his house.
He prefers to live abroad, he even married the daughter of the richest merchant in the country.
One day, The Kulup and his wife were trading at the mouth of the Cicuruk River.

The news of the arrival of the Foreskin reached his parents.
The foreskin’ parents went to the ship to meet the foreskin.
The mother screamed for the foreskin.
Hearing his mother’s voice, the Foreskin looked confused.
He was embarrassed when other people found out that the parents who were dressed in filthy clothes were his biological father and mother.
“Who are you? Quickly get off my ship!” shouted the Foreskin.
“Here are your mom and dad, Foreskin. I have also brought your favorite food,” answered the Foreskin’ mother in a sad tone.
“What food is this? I don’t like village food like this. My parents were rich merchants. Not trashy like you,” said the foreskin while throwing away the food his mother gave him.
Foreskin’ parents both hurt.
The mother let the big ship sink.
Suddenly there was a big storm and very high sea waves.
The ship sank.
At the place of the shipwreck, an island appeared that resembled a ship.
Now, the island is called Ship Island. ***
Moral message
Among the prayers that God easily accepts is the prayer of parents.
Asal Mula Pulau Kapal (Cerita Rakyat Bangka Belitung)
Channel Youtube: Dongeng Kita